About Us

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We’re tree-huggers. Actually, Amanda’s the tree-hugger. Lee is very much in love with Amanda and will do pretty much whatever she tells him to do (a strategy that has served him well over the 50+/- years of their marriage), including posing with his arms around a tree. Lee is more into resiliency, self-sufficiency, and preparation for a future we expect to be fundamentally different from the past several decades. Both of us are also part-time peak oil and population planners.

Dr. Amanda Welch Borden is a farmer and consultant in intercultural communications. She is certified to administer and interpret the results from the Intercultural Development Inventory.

Lee Borden is a farmer and divorce lawyer. He maintains an extensive web site on issues of divorce called Divorceinfo.com. You can read more than you ever wanted to know about Lee here.

Our farm is about 88 acres in rural Elmore County, Alabama, called Longleaf Breeze. We write extensively about our adventures on the farm on LongleafBreeze.com.

For the benefit of those trying to find Amanda who know only her maiden name, she was formerly known as Amanda Jean Welch or simply as Amanda Welch. Click here if you want to contact us.